Suzanne Schultz
Email: [email protected]
Grade/Position: 5th
Favorite Drink(s): Pelligrino or Perrier- Plain
Favorite Candy: Ghirardelli 72% dark chocolate
Favorite Snack(s): popcorn, Kind bars
Favorite Fruit(s): apples, pears, grapes
Favorite Color(s): blue or Crimson
Favorite Flower(s)- any
Favorite Fast Food: Chick Fil A, Panera,
Restaurant: Any
Favorite Place to
Shop: Teacher pay Teacher, Amazon,
Hobbies: Quilting, reading
Favorite Bath &
Body Scent(s): none
Favorite School: Alabama, Arkansas State for Women’s golf!
Supplies or Most
Needed Supplies: Purple flare pens, card stock, copy paper
Favorite Gift
Card(s): any
Favorite Types of Décor
Things you already have enough of: ??