Michelle Gray

Email [email protected]
Grade/Position 5th Grade
Favorite Drink(s) Cherry Pepsi, any SWEET Coffee Drinks, Caramel and Vanilla
Favorite Candy Peanut butter M&Ms
Favorite Snack(s) Gardettos, popcorn
Favorite Fruit(s) oranges, bananas, apples, grapes
Favorite Color(s) Blue or Crimson and White (Alabama) or Garnet and Gold (FSU)
Favorite Flower(s)
Favorite Fast Food Whataburger or Chick-fil-A
Favorite Restaurant Big Mikes, Texas Roadhouse, David’s Catfish
Favorite Place to


TJ Maxx or Benics
Hobbies lost those when my kids were little 🙂 reading, scrapbooking
Favorite Bath & Body Scent(s) Vanilla Bean Noel
Favorite School

Supplies or Most Needed Supplies

Most needed – copy paper       Favorite – frixtion pens or flair pens
Favorite Gift Card(s) any
Favorite Types of Décor crosses, rustic
Things you already have enough of mugs